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Broccoli and Cauliflower Sandwichbread

Have you ever had “broccoli or cauliflower sandwich bread slices”? I bet not, as I’ve never seen them anywhere either. But since I love to eat broccoli and cauliflower so much and these vegetables are so incredibly versatile, I just tried it. Because if you can make delicious pizza crust out of cauliflower and broccoli, why not bake wonderfully aromatic sandwich breads out of them? And guess what: The sandwich bread slices turned out absolutely awesome.

You can layer the vegetable sandwich breads as you like or just enjoy them with spreads of your choice, put a lot of vegetables between the tasty slices or dip them in delicious creamy hummus. The taste of the sandwich bread is great! The consistency is fluffy and soft. Perfect for at home, on the road and ideal for squeezing in some more healthy vegetables into your diet. I am really looking forward to your feedback. Feel free to write me in the comments or on Facebook or Instagram. See you very soon, your Lea


Broccoli and Cauliflower Sandwichbread

Gericht Baking, Lunch, Sandwiches
Vorbereitungszeit 40 Minuten
Zubereitungszeit 20 Minuten
Gesamtzeit 1 Stunde
Portionen 6
Autor Lea Green


For the broccoli sandwich bread

  • 30 g (1.05 oz) ground flax seeds
  • 300 g (10.58 oz) broccoli
  • 3 tbsp. lemon juice
  • 1 small tsp. baking soda
  • 80 g (7/8 cup or 2.8 oz) chickpea flour
  • 50 g (1 cup) breadcrumbs
  • salt & pepper

For the cauliflower sandwich bread

  • 30 g (1.05 oz) ground flax seeds
  • 20 g (0.7 oz) chia seeds
  • 350 g (12.3 oz) cauliflower
  • 1 tsp. baking powder (or baking soda)
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice
  • Salt & pepper
  • Optional: 1 pinch of freshly grated nutmeg
  • 100 g (3.5 oz) chickpea flour


  • For the broccoli sandwich bread: Stir in 5 tablespoons of water to swell the crushed flax seeds. Preheat the oven to 180 °C/ 356 °F fan.
  • Wash the broccoli, dab dry and shred finely in a mixer.
  • Mix broccoli with flax seeds, lemon juice, baking soda, chickpea flour, breadcrumbs and plenty of salt and pepper.
  • Press the dough into a ball shape and flatten it with your hands on a baking paper. Pour a second layer of baking paper over it and roll out the dough rectangularly (for one half of the baking tray). Remove the baking paper again, place a fresh baking paper on top and turn the dough with the baking paper. Remove the baking parchment that is then on top. Cut off any excess parchment paper. Place the broccoli dough on the baking tray.
  • For the cauliflower sandwich bread: Mix the crushed flax seeds with 5 tbsp. of water and the chia seeds with 4 tbsp. of water.
  • Wash the cauliflower, dab dry and shred finely in a mixer.
  • Mix the cauliflower with the flax and chia seeds, baking powder, lemon juice, salt, pepper, a pinch of grated nutmeg and the chickpea flour. Form a dough ball from this and work it into a rectangular plate as described for broccoli sandwich bread above. Place cauliflower bread dough on the baking tray next to the broccoli bread.
  • Bake the broccoli and cauliflower bread at 180 °C/ 356 °F fan (circulating air) for about 20 minutes until the edges get slightly brown or golden. Then allow to cool briefly. Cut the broccoli and cauliflower bread into pieces and enjoy individually topped and refined as you like.

Tip: You can also make super tasty pizza with this vegetable “base” of this recipe. Simply roll out the dough and pre-bake it. Then you can cover or bake the vegetable pizza as you like. Super delicious and simple!

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